It can be frustrating when you feel like you’re getting nowhere with your job search, especially when you’re at it every day. It might be time to consider some out of the box thinking, the standard application process isn’t always the best approach for landing your next role.
Here are three things you can do to make yourself stand out:
1. Pick Up the Phone
As scary as it sounds, calling the hiring manager is actually one of the easiest and most effective ways of getting a job. It can feel like an uncomfortable thing to do but pitching yourself directly can mean the difference between getting an interview or being at the bottom of the CV pile.
Most candidates will spend hours on a job application but won’t take five minutes to call the employer. If you can get past the brief discomfort, you’ll be one of the very few people who do this. You get to find out if the job is actually right for you before applying. Plus you’ll have an opportunity to build rapport with the hiring manager to see if this is someone you want to work for.
2. Go For Coffee
Ask your potential employer out for coffee! It may feel awkward, but when you’re looking for a new role you need insights from people in the industry. Many managers would much prefer a casual meeting than a formal interview, where it’s sometimes hard to get a sense of what people are really like.
If you reach out to a hiring manager many will take the time to meet with you, if you approach them the right way. Reaching out for advice and insights on their experience is a sure sign that you’re highly motivated, and that’s attractive to employers.
3. Refresh Your Social Media
Think about the social media channels you use professionally and take the time to get them up to date. Consider how you can extend your reach on LinkedIn, it might simply be sharing a few relevant articles every week.
Ask someone to provide you with a testimonial, it’s a good idea to have a few spaced out over time rather than ten dated the week before you apply for a new job. If you work in a visual job, share some of your portfolio on Instagram. (Feel free to use #AquentTalent or tag @aquentuk so we can highlight some of your best work!)
Obviously none of these things guarantees you a way in, and some can be a bit more time consuming than firing off Easy Applies on Linkedin, but they’re three easy ways to help make you stand out.
If you want to find out more about what you can do to put yourself in the best position to land yourself a job, be sure to check out our 2021 Getting A Job guide.

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