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Creatives and LGBTQ+ Rights—How to fight discrimination after the Supreme Court’s free speech ruling

Employers in the creative and design industry are urged to stay committed to preventing discriminatory practices and divisiveness.

“We can use our position in the industry to voice our support for the LGBTQ+ community, advocate for our employees—especially those whose identities are at the center of this ruling—and invest in inclusive workplace policies.”


In light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that a Colorado web developer may refuse to create wedding websites for same-sex couples, Aquent founder and CEO, John H. Chuang, authored an op-ed piece for Ad Age in which he expressed his disappointment with the decision, and strongly voiced his support for a more inclusive  industry and society as a whole. For Chuang, it's essential that the Colorado decision does not come to represent the creative and design field at large. In the piece, he outlines three ways in which employers in the creative and design industries can invest in workplace policies that fight back against all forms of discrimination. To start, the terms of work must be clear. While design workers must have the right to establish boundaries and even turn down clients, that doesn't mean they should have permission to discriminate against an entire population. Employers must also make it known through their hiring practices, advertising, and direct statements that marginalised communities have their support. Lastly, design leaders must double down on their commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within their workplaces. Despite the court's ruling (and the sentiments of the majority of Americans), business leaders can take it upon themselves to implement policies that ensure a more equitable and inclusive future.

This article originally appeared on AdAge.

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