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Talent Motivations

Top 3 candidate motivators

By: Aquent

LAST UPDATED: April 7, 2023

We recently released the Aquent 2021 Salary Guide exploring how salaries have changed over the last year. Including what’s occurring on a global scale, what Covid has meant for the hiring landscape, and what is really motivating people right now.

In this video we look at the top 3 motivators of candidates, so you can attract and retain the top talent in 2021.

1. The most successful companies are constantly pipe-lining talent. We found that when we talked to candidates, ninety percent of them were only contacted for jobs available right now. The ten percent of companies that are building relationships with talent for their future needs are the ones doing it right. If you’re pipelining talent it means you’ve always got ready talent available to respond to market opportunities and digital customers’ evolving demands.

2. Hybrid work environments will help to attract and retain the best talent. Now that teams are working remotely wherever possible, it’s become familiar and convenient for people. We found that four out of five talent want to continue to work remotely at least some of the time. As an employer, you can expect to see permanent changes to office hours and spaces – as well as changes to what talent expect or need. Talent may anticipate flexible working hours in contracts, and better tech or tools for collaboration.

3. Leadership is going to need to try a new approach. This was one of the most striking finds in our research. Forty-four percent of talent were dissatisfied with their manager’s leadership during 2020, and forty-five percent said bad leadership was why they left their last job. It’s really key that companies help their leaders develop crucial management skills like communication and empathy to help improve productivity – and ultimately to retain talent.

So there you have it, 3 key insights from Aquent’s 2021 Salary Guide. Download your free copy now to find out more about what you can do to grow in 2021.